Dr. Nattawut presented his lecture “ Bone and Flap Concepts for Revision in Endoscopic DCR “ (หลักการของการผ่าตัดแก้ไขท่อน้ำตาอุดตันกรณีที่ผ่าตัดแล้วไม่สำเร็จโดยใช้วิธีส่องกล้องด้วยเอนโดสโคป)
Dr. Nattawut Wanumkarng, Director of AtEye Clinic and Eye Surgery Center has been invited to speak by the APSOPRS 2023 scientific program committee at the APSOPRS 2023 23rd Anniversary Symposium (The Asia Pacific Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Biennial Meeting) during 9-10 June 2023 at Chengdu, China. Many international and regional attendances will participate and share their knowledge, skills and educate the next generations of ophthalmic plastic and reconstructive surgeons.
My Best Concepts for Epiphora and Dry eye Treatment caused by chronic blephatitis by IPL Treatment.
Dr. Nattawut Wanumkarng presented his lecture on Newer concepts in Epiphora which are his best concepts for epiphora and dry eye treatment caused by chronic blepharitis. He gave his talk during his visit at Oculofacial Clinic in Tokyo, Japan on 20 April, 2023.
45 Degree Test in Endoscopic DCR Dr.Nattawut Wanumkarng as the lecturer on Ocular surface and Dacryology symposium at NUHS 20-22 Oct 2022. His topic is 45 Degree Test in Endoscopic Lacrimal Surgery on 22 Oct, 2022 at National University Hospital, Singapore.